TH True Water – Strategic partner sponsoring drinking water for Ecopark city trail


On the routes of EPM this year, you must have stopped by the water stations to be energized with TH true Water. This is a National Brand product of TH Group - a strategic partner sponsoring drinking water for EPM races.

TH True Water is taken from the underground water source from the million-year volcano named Nui Tien in Nghe An. According to researchers, at this mountain, when the fresh clouds bring tropical rain to water the pristine vegetation, seeping through the volcanic rock layer, filtering out dirt and impurities. From there, a natural underground water source is formed, over thousands of years, surrounded by basalt rock, isolated from the outside environment, so it is very clean, pure and sweet.

And TH has carefully collected those pure drops, along with a modern technology system to bring to consumers the TH true Water product completely from nature, contributing to protecting community health. Since 2021, with the most modern technology, TH has stopped using shrink wrap on TH true Water bottle caps to reduce the use of plastic, spreading a green and sustainable lifestyle with consumers.

For many years, TH Group has been a strategic partner providing TH true Water drinking water for races organized by EPM. Therefore, it can be said that TH true Water has become a close companion of every EPM athlete.

For more information about TH true Water, you can find out at:

From EPM with LOVE